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Our Values

Our Values

Keoghs is a community of outstanding people. We welcome different perspectives, support each other’s ambitions and grow together.

In a fast-changing business environment, we adapt and look ahead. We succeed because we are multi-talented: in the skills of our teams, specialisms and sector expertise. Working together, we are greater than the sum of our parts.

We are connected


Who we are

We are united under one mission


How we work

We are greater than the sum of our parts


The value we provide

We believe in the power of Keoghs to make a difference


Icon Dynamic

We are dynamic


Who we are

We readily adapt to the changing environment


How we work

We strive for what's next


The value we provide

We relentlessly seek more: for our business, our clients, our colleagues and our communities





Icon Innovative



Who we are

We are solution-focused


How we work

We have an entrepreneurial mindset


The value we provide

We are empowered to discover new paths


Icon Succeed Together

Succeed together


Who we are

We support each other to grow


How we work

We make an impact in our communities


The value we provide

We value different perspectives, ideas and experiences


Responsible Business Approach

Responsible Business Approach2

Our aim is always to understand and act upon our social responsibilities through a variety of initiatives.

We ensure fair and ethical treatment of our employees via people policies, procedures and governance.

100% of our confidential waste and over 80% of our general office waste is recycled. We utilise local, ethical stationary suppliers who are able to provide full traceability for the sourcing of our paper. We also enhance our environmental performance through our working procedures and Environmental Policy, which are aligned to the ISO 14001 standard.

Keoghs is dedicated to continually reducing our carbon footprint and have introduced a series of programmes to maintain our high standards in this area. From flexible working and online messaging through to more traditional avenues like recycling, we continue to take a proactive and successful approach to environmental awareness.


Download a copy of Keoghs LLP Carbon Reduction Plan.